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I am a graphic designer, and a spirited craft enthusiast. My passion has always been fun earrings and the saying, “One person’s trash is another person’s treasure”, truly embodies the philosophy of my creations. Creating earrings is my form of self-meditation. I escape into a world of unconventional shapes, colors and textures which give rise to an awe-inspiring rush of ideas ultimately transformed into wearable art.
I love to rummage through flea markets, architectural salvage and yard sales. My friends and family give me their old house keys and used gift cards. One person might see porcelain watch faces, hors d'oeuvre forks, 45 RPM record adapters, 35 mm negative film, old road maps or plumbing knobs – I SEE EARRINGS. I drill holes, dye, add beads and wire wrap during the transformation process of creating my upcycled wearable art. 
All of my materials had a previous life – a past story (some I know, some I don’t), which compliments my passion for upcycling. These eco-friendly accessories are exciting, original, always a conversation piece and are keeping the components out of the landfills.



All of my earrings are hand-made and one-of-a-kind. My inventory changes daily as I am continuously making and selling new earrings. If you see a style or color scheme you like, please message me and I will let you know what is available.
Also . . . please visit my Etsy store (link from menu)
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